About Us
This website has been developed by the Buninyong Joint Library Trust Inc. as a resource for walkers wanting to enjoy the many rural walks around Buninyong and District.
The concept was proposed and developed by Neil McCracken who supplied the content for the website, and gained initial funding from the Ballarat City Council through its 2011 Community Grants Program. The first website included the GPS-based walking map for the Buninyong-Ballarat Bird World Circuit.
Further Council funding to develop new maps and greatly extend the website was gained in 2105. The new detailed maps were prepared by cartographer Bill Casey.
The website was designed and constructed by local website developer, Liz Lumsdon of UpThere Web Design. All photos, unless otherwise specified, were shot by and copyrighted to Liz Lumsdon.
Contact Us
You can email Neil McCracken at: jenneil@vic.chariot.net.au
The Buninyong Joint Library Trust is based in the Old Buninyong Library
408 Warrenheip St
Buninyong, 3357
Tel: 03 5341 8211
Email: bunlibtrust (at) gmail.com
The Old Library houses the Buninyong Information Centre which is open five days a week: 10am – 3pm, Wednesday-Sunday. Visitors are welcome and a volunteer is always on hand to show you our range of maps and other resources if you would like to call in.